Bring Me Their Hearts
Sara Wolf
I love a good enemies-to-lovers romance, but when there are lives on the line I tend to get pretty stressed out. Zera is a Heartless, a race despised the general public due to their servitude to witches and their need to eat hearts. To prevent another war between witches and non-witches, Zera is tasked with stealing the prince's heart and making him a Heartless. If she does so, she gets her own heart back- the ultimate goal of all Heartless.
Obviously, she has to manipulate the prince to get this done. They have a lot of genuine moments, but it's all tainted by the fact that she will eventually have to kill him. I got very Throne of Glass vibes from this though thinking back on it I can't pinpoint exactly why. At the bare minimum, a girl with excellent sword-fighting skills is trying to deny her true nature to save a prince. There are other nuances that I felt there that I can't really explain.
For a kind of book that typically stresses me out, I still enjoyed this one a lot. It was a fun read with enjoyable characters (even though they could be kind of stupid at times). I won't be over that last scene anytime soon though it was very emotional and confusing. I really just want everyone to be happy so these reads are hard for me. I'd recommend it though and I'm looking forward to getting into the second book.