Dance with the Demon
Stacia Stark
Overall: 3/5
Plot and themes: 3/5
Characters: 3/5
Writing style: 3/5
Attention-grabbing: 4/5
Dance with the Demon is the second installment of Danica's journey in the Deals with Demons universe. She's still bonded to Samael and has no way of knowing how to get out of it- to make matters worse the whole world now knows that she saved his life and she's being shunned for it. Her powers are also completely out of control and she has no way of knowing if her parentage has anything to do with it because she has never known her father and she's still on the hunt for her father's killer.
Very mixed feelings with this book. On the one hand, it's entertaining and kept most of my attention till the end. On the other, the protagonist is so freaking wishy washy that it's driving me insane. I understand that she's been told to perceive demons a certain way and I wouldn't expect her to just jump into anything, but she basically did just jump into something and then tried to back out of it then jumped back in? I think that their relationship is a series of his manipulations and attempts at micromanaging her. Then the author backtracks and tries to justify it as the protag being strong-willed when it really feels more like she's being beaten into the ground.
That's an aggressive read on it, like I said I did enjoy most of what was going on. I just think that it's really hard to manage such a large age difference without it seeming like total bullshit. I'll still be reading the next book in the series cause I do enjoy the premise, I just think we definitely need this bond to be absolved for their relationship to go anywhere.