Jennifer L. Armentrout
Obsidian is a sci-fi ish book that's more like a paranormal book, like it's rooted in aliens but feels more like paranormal. The protagonist, Katy, just moved from Florida to West Virginia, the typical cliche of a high schooler trying to fit in but being blocked by the hot paranormal boy-next-door. It was a fun read, so far it's kind of light, and the characters are pretty amusing and relatable. I do think they're sometimes trying a little to be haha relatable teen content, but I also appreciate it because wow that's so much more fun to read.
The powers are cool, like if aliens exist I hope they'd have cool light powers like that because like I need some fantasy in the world. But also wow they're so over-powered, they'd KO the world just like that. I loved the concept of the duality, light versus dark is so simple yet also such a great way to set up opposition I was here for it. The time thing confuses me, there's still a lot of potential there for a great showdown though and from what I've heard, the series only gets better.
I had a few problems with like the general plot, it was kind of similar to Twilight and I didn't like that. It did have better writing though so like it's not on Twilight level, it just had that same cliche plot thing. Daemon was a much better angsty main guy cause he wasn't nearly as stupid and his angst wasn't nearly as constant. Don't know why anyone supports a guy who's constantly a jerk, Daemon is annoying cause he's rude so often, but he has redeeming moments.
The most annoying part was how inaccurate the mentions of Florida were. She's from Gainesville and she's supposedly used to the beach and guys walking around shirtless and people with bad tans and such, obviously no research was done on Florida cause Gainesville is pretty far from any beaches. That just irked me cause I know better so like it's pretty easily accessible information, check yourself on that. I think I'd still recommend it to people as an easy read, since like I said, it's light right now.
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