Sara Holland
I feel bad giving this book 2/5, because the premise is so interesting. Time is money, people bleed their time out and it's minted into coins. There is a Queen who has ruled for hundreds of year, thriving off years stolen from peasants. I love that, the potential for a revolution and the whole peasant uprising thing. That's not where this story went. Instead, it was all about Jules whining and trying to figure herself out by doing absolutely nothing productive, obsessing over people she barely knows, and just being annoying for most of the novel. In my opinion, a weak plot can be redeemed by strong characters, but a strong plot can't be undermined by weak characters.
It wasn't all around horrible, which is why I feel bad with the two stars, there were points when I was interested in the world and trying to figure out who was who. But Jules, why are you in love with someone who you haven't seen in ten years? It was like secondhand embarrassment that whole time. Then the feelings were reciprocated and I'm like hey ditch this dirtbag he's definitely not loyal. Maybe I could understand holding onto love for ten years, like as an adult, but what kind of seven year old just falls in love with their playmate? Weird and a real just confusing plot thing for me.
Descriptive language was failing a little here. I have no idea what the people look like, no idea what the castles look like, honestly don't understand how a book of this length could have missed so many descriptions. Maybe that's just me, but I was really lost with all of that. I'm at least going to want hair color like I don't like reading blind.
The time idea is great, the universe with all of the drama and plot twists could be confusing, but could also shape up to be something better. I don't know if I'll feel motivated to go onto the second book when I know what's going on with Liam and it's another case of me wanting to throw the book at Jules. The cover is gorgeous though, I really love the aesthetic, and it's too bad I just couldn't handle Jules.
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