Give the Dark My Love
Beth Revis
I went into this book not thinking that I'd like it a ton. It just looked like the kind of book that's trying to be edgy but just wouldn't hit the mark. I honestly loved it though, it was such a cool read. Nedra is hardworking and determined, she wants to be medicinal alchemist and save her people from the plague which consumes them. To do so, she has gained admission into the top university on the island, a place typically reserved for the wealthy elite. She's determined in her beliefs, she volunteers at hospitals, works herself to the bone, she needs to save everyone. Nedra is the kind of character I can really get behind because there's really nothing that originally differentiates her as a genius, she's hardworking and she has beliefs and I love that.
I don't like books that have that whole love-at-first-sight-let's-abandon-the-mission-for-this-rando type vibe to them, this isn't like it. Greggori isn't a jerk, he's just a normal guy who understands that he makes mistakes. There aren't ultimatums, the book is dramatic but it's also not totally focused on the romance. Greggori and Nedra felt super authentic, her relationships with her family members were also very authentic. The emotional reactions are understandable, I wasn't screaming at any of the characters for their stupidity.
The only problem I had with it was the simplicity of some of the actions. Like somethings just fell into place way too easily. She said like two sentences to the professor and he respected her and wanted to train her from nothing. She isn't with her family in months and then returns home right at a critical point. I just didn't like how convenient that felt, made it awkward.
Definitely would recommend, it's short and easy to read and just really nice. I'm super excited for the sequel, and I'm glad that it's a duology. I think a trilogy could have made it felt overdone or tired, the duology will be perfect.
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