The Masked Fae
Shari L. Tapscott
Overall: 2/5
Plots and Themes: 2/5
Characters: 2/5
Writing Style: 2/5
Attention Grabbing: 2/5
The Masked Fae starts with a girl attempting to win her brother back from debtors prison after he gambled their whole fortune away. She's willing to brave the terrors of the fae world in order to restore some aspect of her family. When she meets the man who is his supposed captor, she can't really understand how someone so nice could have such a horrible reputation.
It's boring and lengthy really. Every time I thought it was over I looked down at the percentage and had huge portions of the book to go. I don't know why the progression of it all was so hard to get behind, but it really dragged. I think it's because we got resolution to what felt like the main plot line like 40 percent in, then the boss battle at the end just totally lacked the suspense which was necessary. The I love yous came way too soon and I wasn't all that supportive of the main relationship, it just felt like they were both super lonely and immediately fell in love.
It wasn't all that entertaining for me, though I did manage to finish it so it definitely could have been worse. I don't think it speaks anything about the author cause the writing was alright, it just dragged so much.
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