Elle Katharine White
Unfortunately, this installment in the trilogy kind of let me down. I would still recommend reading the series, it's Pride and Prejudice but with dragons. I also appreciated how it went on, though the universe is very different from the original, it gave us a glimpse into how Mr. Darby and Elizabeth's lives could have persisted- a risky endeavor that paid off in the second but missed the mark here.
I think my main issue was how much build-up there was, 2/3rd of the book was just them trying to put all the clues together but with the awkward breaks to have an anti-climatic fight scene. I also felt like the chemistry between Aliza and Alastair was different from what it was in the first two books. I just didn't vibe with it as much, it wasn't as exciting or romantic. There was too much tragedy and not enough of the lighter scenes which balanced it all in the other two.
Still a great series with great world building, it just maybe should have stopped at a duology for me. Or should have focused more on characterization rather than the ultimate fight I don't know. Nothing will beat the first for me though and it'll always be one of my favorites.
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