A Thousand Pieces of You
Claudia Gray
A Thousand Pieces of You is a science-fiction book about dimensional travel. The world has recently discovered that there are millions of alternate dimensions, where lives can be radically different. In one dimension, the Romanov family is still in power, in one technology has progressed rapidly, in another the world is underwater. All of these dimensions have similar characters, though not all the same because of the way that events played out and the potential of you never being born, but completely different premises.
Cool but kind of confusing. You can't travel to these other dimensions, you can only project your consciousness there, because it's very difficult to make matter transfer to different places. Don't ask me what happens to your body in your home dimension when your soul jumps out of it, I still don't know. But Marguerite, our protagonist, is going on a cross-dimensional journey to try and kill the guy who killed her father and who is now on a dimension-hopping getaway.
The beginning was slow, but once I got past that I had a great time with this book. There are a lot of confusing things that I tried not to dissect too much in favor of appreciating the other aspects of the book. I liked the idea of soulmates that they were pushing, or the idea of fate actually, that some people are destined to be in your life no matter what. It was cute and easy to get behind. I like that the protagonist dude is awkward and uncomfy cause that's my aesthetic, it was all just very easy to appreciate.
I'd say read it, there are a few plot-holes that I always see in sci-fi books where something like dimensional travel comes into play. Overall though, it's exactly what's advertised, a nice book with some action and a lot to think about.
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