Dark Desires
Eve Silver
I think that it's indicative of how much I need something to read right now that I didn't shut this book down just by the title. I hate the word desires so much I don't know why, probably cause there are lengthy pointless mature scenes like there are in this one. It's fine and all and I read a lot of romance so obviously I anticipate it, it's just so pointless to the greater message of the plot that it feels so obligatory.
I was confused for a bit of this book because I thought it was Jack the Ripper and I was like wrong decade and wrong victims, but it's just got the same vibes as Jack the Ripper's murders. I'm a big fan of nineteenth century murders so that part of it was pretty good, I love a good mystery and there were some elements of it that I didn't expect.
Some things worked out too well for me to really get behind them. I understand the main romance because that was the whole point of it all so it worked out really typically. I didn't think that every other character in the novel needed a romantic pairing, that just felt like reaching. There were a lot of parts- like the central interaction with the murderer- that felt a little too much like reaching.
I did like it though, it was a fun and fast little murder mystery. Other than what I talked about here, there weren't really all that many problems with it and I'd probably recommend it to people who are obsessed with this sort of thing like me.
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