The Child Finder
Rene Denfeld
This book wasn't bad... I just didn't really like it all that much. Naomi Cottle is the Child Finder, she has dedicated her entire life to investigating their disappearances and either getting them home or giving the parent's closure. She has lived a pretty nomadic life in the ten years since she decided to do this, and a lot of the book is her identifying how much of this lifestyle she would like to keep and how much she'd like to change.
I know that this isn't Christian Fiction, but I was getting some weird vibes at a lot of different points in the novel. I also just don't know how Naomi was so good at finding children. It felt paranormal but it wasn't, and she couldn't remember any elements of her own kidnapping so it wasn't as if she was drawing on that. It all felt like a weird mix of different genres trying to be a mystery.
The mystery wasn't much of a mystery for the reader because it was given away right at the beginning with the missing poster for the little boy. There was no suspense on that front, the only thing that kept me reading was Naomi trying to figure out her life, which I don't think she really does but it doesn't really set it up for me to want to read the next one.
The romance was weird, I don't feel like you should be able to live with someone for nearly ten years of your adolescence calling them your brother and then just be in love with them. I didn't want to think on that too hard cause uh that's gross but go off I guess. It was also weird that other people were into her, it felt so surface-level because nothing was known about really any of the characters.
Overall, wouldn't really recommend. It was sad, it makes you think about kidnapping and missing children and tragedy, but all of that stuff was general information that is pertinent aside from the story line. Maybe it would've been better as a paranormal thing, as it was it doesn't really feel like much of anything.
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