A Thief in Farshore
Justin Fike
I love finding books that have barely any reviews, feels like a treasure hunt on Kindle Unlimited. This book is about Charity, an orphan who's been living by herself on the streets for years. As penance for a crime which we never really learn anything about, she is sentenced to ten years of hard labor. Obviously, she's too headstrong to be anyone's slave, so she gets moved to the fighting pits.
The whole battle arena thing just had me thinking of Kill the Queen, just not as detailed, but it wasn't poorly written. Kindle Unlimited has a lot of those eh books where you're like it's ok, but it's nothing special. I think this book probably falls under that. I would have probably been more into it if we had more details of her backstory, or of anyone's backstory. As it stood, it was just extremely short and felt like all about a couple of battles. Also, the description said romance, but I've yet to see even a hint of it. There may have been a little tiny bit of build-up, only if you squint.
I did love Sheska though, I'm super excited to see where the whole Ko'koan bond thing will go. I love unique little relationships like that because they feel so genuine. Especially with crazy characters like Sheska, and I just want Charity to have friends.
Would I Recommend?
It's only like one hundred pages, and it has some cool parts. I'd recommend it because I hope that the series will pick up and we'll get some more information. I also think there are some cool battle scenes and I'm always here for a heroine who teaches herself to fight.
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